Monday, November 10, 2008
Yeah, yeah, yeah....
The last several months: Not much really has changed. I still live in Lancaster City, because my landlord gave me a pretty good deal at least until the house sells. Which brings up another thought. If you are interested in purchasing a fine house within walking distance to Lancaster General Hospital you might want to check out 129 East New Street. I hear it's on the market.
So what's prodded me to write. Aside from all the little jabs and underhanded encouragements would have to be my most recent weekend trip. So here goes...
My good friend "The Weave" (also know in camp lore as "The Fastest Man Alive") an I grabbed some stuff, jumped into his Mazda and made the 4 hour trip to Pittsburgh in 5+ hours. Wait, what? Yeah, so apparently there was some big accident that I couldn't find any news stories about which diverted our route from the turnpike onto route 30 westbound. Honestly the view was beautiful, atleast whatever I was awake to see was, but the 18 wheeler in front of us made for a very slow trek across Pennsylvania.
After finally making it to Pittsburgh and my former housemate Bill (and his wife Kate) Shimko's house we made our way back to the Pitt Campus where 9.5 years ago I finished up my Film Studies degree. (9.5 years ago.... Good Lord... that means I graduated from Highschool.... oh snap I don't even want to think about it.) It was great to walk around and see how much the campus has changed and at the same time some of the old favorites. Memories that I'd rather not go into in this environment flooded back to me. I laughed to myself a bunch, mostly because "The Weave" didn't go to school at Pitt so most of the stories wouldn't have made sense to him. We finished off the Campus tour with a stop at Primanti Bros. Which is a Pittsburgh specific uh... sandwich... er meal... er I'm not really sure what to call it other than good and filling. Click onthe name to check it out. After that we headed back to the Shimko's and just hung out until a little after midnight... unless your name is "The Weave" who was crashed out at around 10:30... lightweight.
We came out to Pittsburgh primarily to go to the Pitt vs. Louisville football game but I was able to catch up with some long lost friends at the same time. It was encourageing for me maybe not so much for them I'm not sure. So I ended up getting up at like 7:00 in the a (freakin') m. to meet a friend at a Panera Bread on McKnight road (not a big fan of that name, but that's another story for another day) that I drove past twice before figuring out where it was hiding. Lucky for me I left a bit on the early side (yeah, I can sense your disbelief even as I write this but it happens every once and a while). After a huge mug of hot chocolate and something resembling a raisen, apple bread in muffin form (not so impressive) and an hour and a half of catching up I returned to the Shimko's in time to enjoy some pasta and head over to the stadium for the game.
Our seats were amazing and the crowd around us was hilarious. I remember turning to "The Weave" on more than one occasion, saying welcome to a Pitt sporting event. We sat in the 100 level at the 35 yard line right behind the Pitt Bench. The game was great, a schalacking with chants of "everybody scores" going on around us because well, just about everybody on Pitts team did score. Good stuff. They are in really good shape though the rest of the season is not going to be easy I think I might be making a trip to a bowl game... as long as it's somewhere warm.
I'm also coming to realize that my giftings extend beyond the creative, though I've often relyed on them because the came somewhat naturally. The last several years I have been somewhat running away from that which I feel I was really meant for. Does that involve film? Maybe, it definitely could but that depends on the setting I find myself in. I am relational, yeah, yeah I know we all are to a certain extent, but there are some people who just aren't good at it. I'm feeling pulled back towards youth/yong adult ministry, which in a sense is what I did at camp. I miss it. I miss being a part of peoples lives in such an intense way. That of course is noones fault but my own. Though I'm glad that I've been on the journey I have for the last year specifically because my heart for people, thier hurts, poor decision making and consciquences there of, and desire to see them grow has been enhanced and in a sense recentered.
I'm sitting here writing this, putting it out there, wondering what that next step is. School, job change, life change, signing papers? I don't know. Sometimes starting over and doing what you were really meant to do is as scary as... well something really scary. I'm tired of being scared, I'm tired of feeling trapped, stuck in a rut. I need to get out of Lancaster. I love my family but this place has a cloud hanging over it that is hard to explain to people. It's a mindset that bothers me, a traditionalism that goes far beyond it, something arrogantly legalistic, lacking the grace that God wants to pour out on us. (Well that was a rant). So, here's to planning the next steps... I leave you with this...
Father of lies, coming to steal, kill and destroy
All my hopes of being good enough
I hear him saying cursed are the ones who can't abide
He´s right, hallelujah, he´s right
The devil is preaching the song of the redeemed
That I am cursed and gone astray
I cannot gain salvation
Embracing accusation
Could the father of lies be telling the truth of
God to me tonight?
That if the penalty of sin is death, then death is mine
I hear him saying, cursed are the ones who can't abide
The devil´s singing over me an age old song
That I am cursed and gone astray
Singing the first verse so conveniently over me
He´s forgotten the refrain.
Shane and Shane - Embracing Accusations
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Anywho... so today... I used to like today. I hope that I like today again sometime in the future but for right now it has become one of my least favorite days. We'll just say that 9 years ago this was a pretty special day where a ton of friends came to hang out, eat some free food, and enjoy some dancing. That was 9 years ago though and a lot has changed since then, especially recently.
I have learned most recently the depths of grace and forgiveness needed in relationships. So I guess that's a good thing. One of the greatest things God ever did was make us relational beings, and one of the worst things God ever did was make us relational beings. I think there needs to be an understanding when stepping into a serious relationship (whether discipleship, marriage, or deep friendships) that both parties somewhere along the line are going to fail each other... at some point it will happen. And honestly that's not even the important part, the important part is what happens after a failing has occured. Do you get up after falling/being pushed over and take a step to make things better, to fight for what you had, to extend forgiveness and the grace that has been extended to you. It's hard. You don't want to, in fact most people's (including me) initial reaction/desire is to protect yourself from harm, to shut out the person or thing that caused you the pain that you felt. If that's your response then you will inevitably only be able to go so deep in said relationships before your defenses go up and you shut it down and want to start over somewhere else. I'm glad God doesn't shut it down with me. I've given Him more than enough reasons to, more than enough. Grace is amazing and sometimes painful.
So on a more shallow level of conversation I am very excited to get tickets to the Weezer show in Camden. I think I'm more excited about seeing thier touring mates Angels and Airwaves. These two bands made up a good chunk of the California Trip Soundtrack. Oh it's going to be good.
So here's to tomorrow... because it isn't today.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Just a few Pictures...
we connected with her through
A lot of pumps shut off after $75... which means that we always put more in than that. I think it was close to $1200 total for the trip.
New York, New York in Vegas. It was a fun time but I wouldn't be able to handle more than 48 hours there.

Jason, Bethany, Me (completely baked from Laguna Beach), and April at "The Dressden" in Hollywood. If you've seen swingers it's the place where they filled the "your a great big bear" scene.
Surf lessons... and yes I did get up, just not for very long.
It's harder than it looks and man am I out of shape.
Back Back Back: Jared
Back Back: Weston
Back: Bethany, John
Front: Me, John's sister Kat
Taking Picture: Jason
This is where my feet got fried: Lesson learned - Reapply the sun screen!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
West Coast Dreaming...
3000 miles, $1200 in gas, St. Louis, Denver, Vegas, Laguna Beach, Surf Lessons, the Dressden (if you know the movie Swingers, you'll know the Dressden), Cuban Bistro, Hanging with the Smith's, meeting fantastic new people, and we haven't even finished off the week yet. We still have beach volleyball and another possible surprise, before hanging out with Alex one of the man men from the ultra cool band "Five O'clock People."
One word... Epic. I've read and am working in re-reading John Eldridge's little book with a huge message with that same title/theme of "Epic." I can't even put into words how crazy, amazing, and grace filled this trip has been. God's hand was watching over us the whole way, the weather was absolutely perfect. It only rained for 10 minutes the entire trip out here. Jason and I commented back and forth several times about how amazing our country is. To go from the flat rolling greens of Kansas to the insane mountains of Colorado to the dessert of Nevada was absolutely mind blowing. The US is freakin' huge. You need to put driving across the U.S. via Route 70 and Route 15 North on your list of things you have to do before you die. The scenery is awesome. I am hoping to have a short video/slideshow available within a week or so. Stay posted.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Goofball Slacker and the drive...
Needless to say it's going to be a couple of pretty crazy weeks leading up to the trip. I am planning a "Packing up Bethany's Stuff for moving" Day of July the 12th starting at 10:00 a.m. I could use a ton of help, boxes, and newspaper. So if you are in the Lancaster area and are willing to help out... heck even if you're not willing to help out swing on over. If you're not sure where I am then e-mail me at the address in my profile. I'm sure that it's on this blog somewhere.
In other news I have officially posted my portfolio highlighting some of the graphic design work I have done over the past couple of years. If you'd like to check that out I'd suggest clicking here, or here, or maybe here...yeah that should do it. If that doesn't work try here.
All in all life hasn't changed that much since the last post. Feel free to drop me a line and or comment to let me know you're alive.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Cast a way...
I fell like Tom Hanks in the end of Cast Away, where he's standing at the cross roads trying to decide what direction he is going to go. After being stuck on the island, alone long enough for the woman he loved to find another man, he's found this somewhat unwanted feeling of freedom that comes with it's fair share of regrets. Okay so maybe I'm reading into it a little bit, but that's how I feel. I'm standing in the middle of an intersection that has an endless amount of roads that are more than happy to lead me in whatever direction they are going, and part of me is excited about the adventure, but the other part of me is angry that I had to come to this intersection in the situation and circumstances that I am in.
So my short term goal is to finish a script before the June 15th deadline to enter said script into the Final Draft "Big Break" Screenwriting Competition. So you may not hear from me for a little while because I'll probably be spending most of my time infront of a screen and keyboard, so I apologize on the frontside. Well, here's to the next great romantic comedy, (why the heck am I writing a romantic comedy?...I really don't know).
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Over The Rhine
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Second Hand Serenade...
My tears run down like razorblades
And no, I'm not the one to blame
It's you ' or is it me?
And all the words we never say
Come out and now we're all ashamed
And there's no sense in playing games
When you've done all you can do
But now it's over, it's over, why is it over?
We had the chance to make it
Now it's over, it's over, it can't be over
I wish that I could take it back
But it's over
I lose myself in all these fights
I lose my sense of wrong and right
I cry, I cry
It's shaking from the pain that's in my head
I just wanna crawl into my bed
And throw away the life I led
But I won't let it die, but I won't let it die
But now it's over, it's over, why is it over?
We had the chance to make it
Now it's over, it's over, it can't be over
I wish that I could take it back
I'm falling apart, I'm falling apart
Don't say this won't last forever
You're breaking my heart, you're breaking my heart
Don't tell me that we will never be together
We could be, over and over
We could be, forever
I'm falling apart, I'm falling apart
Don't say this won't last forever
You're breaking my heart, you're breaking my heart
Don't tell me that we will never be together
We could be, over and over
We could be, forever
It's not over, it's not over, it's never over
Unless you let it take you
It's not over, it's not over, it's not over
Unless you let it break you
It's not over
Sorry for the downer post, but it had to happen sometime. If you want to know how I'm doing, just ask.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Lucas Anthony Good

Here are some of the first pictures of my nephew Lucas Anthony Good. I stopped by last night and everyone is doing great. Neither Crystal or Andrew could contain their joy though it was apparent that both of them were exhausted. enjoy the picks. I have a feeling that he is going to be a heartbreaker.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Teyhas - the invasion has begun...
Monday, March 24, 2008
second round knock out....
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Little Icon - Winning Big

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Final Four
Monday, March 17, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Cliff Eberly (Australian coming to America this summer)
Steve Reed (Police Officer in Mesa, Arizona)
Amanda Martin (Nurse living on Duke Street in Lancaster, Pa)
Eric Sauder (Married and living closer to Philly)
Kendra Sauder (Not as big of a "The Mint" fan as previously reported.)
Monday, March 10, 2008
more graphics work...

I attended a baby shower last week for Eric and Regina Martin, or I guess it was technically for Malakai. It was held at the Prince Street Cafe in downtown Lancaster. There were a ton of people there who brought many gifts of clothes and childrens books. It was really a good time celebrating what God had done in the Martin's lives. I didn't give them anything because I was still finishing up the gift/project that I had intended for them. I enjoy giving gifts that people will remember, gifts that aren't just bought but created. So putting my gifts to work I came up with this. I have always been fascinated by heraldry (knights/squires/shields/swords and the importance of a name) and wanted to create something that had pretty significant spiritual meaning and spoke to the masculine heart that is growing inside this little boy. I started with the armor of God, specifically the shield of faith. Eric and Regina have been very open about their joys and frustrations through out their journey to become parents and yet through all the down times they never neglected their faith in God and His plan for them. The two swords on the shield represent the Sword of the Spirit. Why two you ask... good question. I was reminded of the story in the old testament about Elijah and Elisha right before Elijah was taken away. Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah's spirit, and we ask that as well for Malakai. That God would bless him with a double portion of his spirit. Veritas means Truth, representing the belt of truth. To the left of the word Veritas is the Liberian Flag which is Malakai's Biological heritage. To the right is the U.S. Flag his new heritage. Malakai means "My messenger" or "My angel". Which is represented by the wings off of the sides of the shield. Blessings to you Malakai for the Lord has big, big plans for you. A messenger of truth, faith, strength and love.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Some Graphic Work

Easter is always a very special holiday for Christians but honestly I think it took on an even deeper significance after "The Passion Of The Christ" was released. Wow. Probably one of the most intense films I've ever experienced. We are gearing up for Passion Week here at Petra and I just finished up the design for the poster that will be placed around town. I am excited to increase my design knowledge. I feel like I am only beginning to tap the surface of what is available inside. Part of it has to do with learning the full functionality of the tools at my disposal and the other part has to do with not being afraid to push past the boring template mentality of if it ain't broke don't fix it. So here's to trying new things.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Welcome Malakai...

For those who haven't heard yet my good friends Eric and Regina Martin had the opportunity to meet their soon to be (officially in their care February 25th) adopted son Malakai Grant. If you get a chance you should check out Regina's blog. Not only is it full of some amazing pictures from her Radiant Images Photography business, but there are also some life updates. Many pictures of Malakai will be on display shortly. Check it out.
Congrats friends. Enjoy the journey. I hope Gideon doesn't get jealous.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Conquering The World...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
death to the battery...
Monday, February 11, 2008
Act 1
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Coloring In The Lines
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Radiant Images

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
What's In A Name
Friday, January 18, 2008
Curious Sun - The Rainchildren
Thanks Marty for adding to my life's soundtrack
I woke up feeling empty this morning
I didn't mean to drive so far last night
curious sun climbs through my window
and tries to open up my eyes
as I lie awake sleeping
like all my leaves had fallen down
beneath my calloused feet
can dead brown grow into green
can reality come from a dream
I see my candle flicker
cause sometimes my insecurities tie me down
this smell is so familiar
I've seen it I've said it I've done it all before
who I am I hear again
and somehow these words will never rhyme
so tell me that you love me and tell me that you care
cause sometimes my insecurities tie me down
oh and never let me go
so please love me, love me, oh please show me you love me
and never let me go
love me, love me, love me, love me
oh my Jesus
I really love you, love you, I really love you, love you
oh my Jesus, oh my Jesus
love me, love you, love me, love you, love me,
love me, love me, love me, love me
The Rainchildren were a band from Lancaster County who were blessed with a great local following including me.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Years in the Making

So it has finally been accomplished. 8+ years after walking away from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in Film Studies (which means we're setting you up for grad school so that you can spend more money and not make any movies) I have completed my first feature length script. Several more have been started but hit the 60 page graveyard hoping to be exhumed at a later time and shocked back to life with the writers version of an AED...CLEAR!
I am currently torn between fighting through another screenplay so as to enter it into a competition and working on a pilot for a TV series that I believe has a ton of potential. We shall see, we shall see. Here I am in Lancaster, fighting everyday for something more.