I attended a baby shower last week for Eric and Regina Martin, or I guess it was technically for Malakai. It was held at the Prince Street Cafe in downtown Lancaster. There were a ton of people there who brought many gifts of clothes and childrens books. It was really a good time celebrating what God had done in the Martin's lives. I didn't give them anything because I was still finishing up the gift/project that I had intended for them. I enjoy giving gifts that people will remember, gifts that aren't just bought but created. So putting my gifts to work I came up with this. I have always been fascinated by heraldry (knights/squires/shields/swords and the importance of a name) and wanted to create something that had pretty significant spiritual meaning and spoke to the masculine heart that is growing inside this little boy. I started with the armor of God, specifically the shield of faith. Eric and Regina have been very open about their joys and frustrations through out their journey to become parents and yet through all the down times they never neglected their faith in God and His plan for them. The two swords on the shield represent the Sword of the Spirit. Why two you ask... good question. I was reminded of the story in the old testament about Elijah and Elisha right before Elijah was taken away. Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah's spirit, and we ask that as well for Malakai. That God would bless him with a double portion of his spirit. Veritas means Truth, representing the belt of truth. To the left of the word Veritas is the Liberian Flag which is Malakai's Biological heritage. To the right is the U.S. Flag his new heritage. Malakai means "My messenger" or "My angel". Which is represented by the wings off of the sides of the shield. Blessings to you Malakai for the Lord has big, big plans for you. A messenger of truth, faith, strength and love.
Lovely! What an incredible gift you've given the Martins!
Regina let us in on your special gift. How awesome! I too find names/meanings very significant. Love the concept and your gift.
Dori (Landis)
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