Monday, June 30, 2008

Goofball Slacker and the drive...

Okay, So I've been a real goofball slacker as far as this whole blogging thing goes. To those who read I apologize. What's happening... For starters I m looking forward to a drive across country to L.A. in the middle of July. My good friend Jason and I are loading up a U-haul type truck with all of my landlord and friend Bethany's stuff in it and making sure that it gets to California in relatively one piece though I make no promises. We should get out there and be able to spend a couple of days chilling at the beach, eating at the Cuban Bistro (my mouth is already salivating), and enjoy the California life.
Needless to say it's going to be a couple of pretty crazy weeks leading up to the trip. I am planning a "Packing up Bethany's Stuff for moving" Day of July the 12th starting at 10:00 a.m. I could use a ton of help, boxes, and newspaper. So if you are in the Lancaster area and are willing to help out... heck even if you're not willing to help out swing on over. If you're not sure where I am then e-mail me at the address in my profile. I'm sure that it's on this blog somewhere.

In other news I have officially posted my portfolio highlighting some of the graphic design work I have done over the past couple of years. If you'd like to check that out I'd suggest clicking here, or here, or maybe here...yeah that should do it. If that doesn't work try here.

All in all life hasn't changed that much since the last post. Feel free to drop me a line and or comment to let me know you're alive.


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