Needless to say this past weekend I had the opportunity to interview for the Youth Pastor position at Upland BIC church in Upland, Ca. The story of how I connected with Upland could be a long and drawn out one but for my typing fingers sake I'll say that Steve the Senior Pastor of Upland is the Father of my landlord. Last night I received a call from Steve informing me that the panel (church board, youth committee, and a few parents) believed that they had heard from God and that I was being called to be the new Youth Pastor at Upland BIC. I don't think it has really hit me yet and maybe I'm jumping the gun as I haven't actually signed anything and there are many details to be worked out, but now the news is out there. If you have a moment and remember, could you please pray for this entire process. I will be taking a day or two to pray and seek the Lord just to make sure that this is truly what the Lord has for me.
I'm excited, scared, nervous, and humbled by this. Grace and Mercy are more real to me than ever before. I'm sure that the next couple of weeks will be filled with cheers and tears as I say "until next time" to people locally who have come to mean a lot to me over the year (and you know who you are). sigh....
On a lighter note: As I am thinking about the move I wanted everyone to know that almost everything that I own in the house (129 E. New Street, Lancaster) is up for potential sale. No reasonable offer will be refused (and no the Wii is not for sale). Seriously I need to get rid of a lot of stuff because I don't want to lug it across the country. So there is the big news, the bomb has dropped.
Below: A good chunk of the Upland BIC Youth at Winter Camp in February.

I'm so excited for you!
Wait, that means you are moving....
Don't ya just love how God works!
But that still means your leaving..
Woohoo to following your dream!
But that dreams takes you away...
Sadness for those of us who will miss you but WOOHOO so incredible to see God opening up this opportunity for you! The youth are going to be incredibly blessed to have you guiding and shaping them after God!
Look ma, no (bare) hands (or vicious rhetoric)!!!!!!
Crazy how my Dad (capital D) works huh? My dad (lowercase D) isn't bad either:-)
Henry says "MAAAAANNNNNN it's about time! Can we go to the beach?"
-Your Landlord
PS- how about them curtain rods???
Incredible news! I am so happy for you. You always struck me as a Californian at heart! I know that God has big things in store for you.
Psalm 150 baby!! Praise the Lord!
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