Life ~
The whirlwind continues. I thought that after the holidays that life would slow down a bit but I was very, very wrong. As you may have seen in the precious post I have been spending quite a few hours on a very specific project. It was a bit of a stretch for me even though I was able to use a remarkable software product that I'm sure I still don't know enough about. Regina and Eric were very patient and many thanks to them for giving me a good shove onto the stretching rack that is the creative arts. If you haven't taken a look at the Radiant Images website yet, please do.
Aside from all the extra work I have been doing a little bit of traveling. This will be the first weekend in a month that I will actually be home. I have spent some refreshing times at the mountains with various groups of people all of which have had an enormous impact om my life. I couldn't even begin to explain. Then followed that up with a little jaunt down south to South Carolina to visit a friend. It was good to get away and not really think about anything... at least it's good until you return to the real world and get smacked across the face with your place in this world. I am also very excited to be taking another extended weekend trip next week (February 19 - 23) this time to California. Oh sweet Southern California. I'm just hoping that it warms up and stops raining long enough for me to get to the beach (i know how selfish of me).
Tomorrow is one of those great American Hallmark Card holidays that I love so much (sarcasm for free). I was listening to a sports radio talk show this morning and the host said the this is one of those holidays that Men can't really win, they can only lose and lose badly. That might be a little cynical for my tastes but I wouldn't say its too terrible far from the truth. In all actuality the hopeless romantic in me does enjoy this holiday even if it was invented to sell chocolates, cards, roses, and food at over priced restaurants. Love... It's a hard thing to hate, no matter how hard you want to try. Really, I joke with friends about having an anti-valentine's day party and how much I hate it... but I can't hate it... I just... miss it.
I don't have an answer to that. Truth be told "Life and Love and Why" is the title of a good song on Switchfoot's debut album "The Legend of Chin" If you haven't listened to the early Switchfoot then stop reading this, open up your itunes store search it out and buy it immediately. You won't be disappointed. Referencing that song title for my blog entry just seemed like the right thing to do. So LIFE is busy/good, LOVE is hard/painful and WHY? is still a mystery.
1 comment:
hay its your best budy in the whole wide world henry hehehehehehe i know that was funny come on laugh with me. hay where are the winter camp pics. oh hurry up and come to cali soon.
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