Friday, February 15, 2008

Conquering The World...

So last night I had my first "Anti-Valentine's Day Party" since college.  A few friends gathered and we commenced on a 3 hour game of Risk.  It was a good time for us all to take our minds off this greeting card holiday so that we stay somewhat sane.  Needless to say the game had many twists and turns and even included a "nuke" rule which in all honest I believe helped me dominate the world.  I started out controlling Australia which I don't mind saying is a favorite, but ended up loosing the continent later on.  It was a well played game by all parties, but "The Black Plague" was triuimphant once again.  

1 comment:

LauraJoy said...

Hey Jamie!
I saw the link to your blog on Beth's comments. Congrats on finishing your movie! Just wanted to pop in and say hi. Praying for ya and hope you're doing well.
