I can't believe that it's been almost a month since we began the crazy cross country trek, which i affectionately call "The Spring Break Trip I Never Took." I did spend a little time with my family this past weekend at a little beach in Virginia called Chincoteague. Spending time with the family was great, the beach was okay, and those freakin' mosquitos just annoyed the heck out of me. I have to get my mom hooked on a west coast beach (no skeeters).
Anywho... so today... I used to like today. I hope that I like today again sometime in the future but for right now it has become one of my least favorite days. We'll just say that 9 years ago this was a pretty special day where a ton of friends came to hang out, eat some free food, and enjoy some dancing. That was 9 years ago though and a lot has changed since then, especially recently.
I have learned most recently the depths of grace and forgiveness needed in relationships. So I guess that's a good thing. One of the greatest things God ever did was make us relational beings, and one of the worst things God ever did was make us relational beings. I think there needs to be an understanding when stepping into a serious relationship (whether discipleship, marriage, or deep friendships) that both parties somewhere along the line are going to fail each other... at some point it will happen. And honestly that's not even the important part, the important part is what happens after a failing has occured. Do you get up after falling/being pushed over and take a step to make things better, to fight for what you had, to extend forgiveness and the grace that has been extended to you. It's hard. You don't want to, in fact most people's (including me) initial reaction/desire is to protect yourself from harm, to shut out the person or thing that caused you the pain that you felt. If that's your response then you will inevitably only be able to go so deep in said relationships before your defenses go up and you shut it down and want to start over somewhere else. I'm glad God doesn't shut it down with me. I've given Him more than enough reasons to, more than enough. Grace is amazing and sometimes painful.
So on a more shallow level of conversation I am very excited to get tickets to the Weezer show in Camden. I think I'm more excited about seeing thier touring mates Angels and Airwaves. These two bands made up a good chunk of the California Trip Soundtrack. Oh it's going to be good.
So here's to tomorrow... because it isn't today.