Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Welcome Malakai...

For those who haven't heard yet my good friends Eric and Regina Martin had the opportunity to meet their soon to be (officially in their care February 25th) adopted son Malakai Grant. If you get a chance you should check out Regina's blog. Not only is it full of some amazing pictures from her Radiant Images Photography business, but there are also some life updates. Many pictures of Malakai will be on display shortly. Check it out. www.radiantimages.blogspot.com

Congrats friends. Enjoy the journey. I hope Gideon doesn't get jealous.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Conquering The World...

So last night I had my first "Anti-Valentine's Day Party" since college.  A few friends gathered and we commenced on a 3 hour game of Risk.  It was a good time for us all to take our minds off this greeting card holiday so that we stay somewhat sane.  Needless to say the game had many twists and turns and even included a "nuke" rule which in all honest I believe helped me dominate the world.  I started out controlling Australia which I don't mind saying is a favorite, but ended up loosing the continent later on.  It was a well played game by all parties, but "The Black Plague" was triuimphant once again.  

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

death to the battery...

wireless keyboards are great until the batteries die and you have to hit each letter like three times before it shows up on the screen. Not much progress last night though I did watch "The Bourne Ultimatum" again. Good flick. The camera work will either make you sick or make you feel like you are part of the film which could also make you sick. Now my quest begins for batteries.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Act 1

For those that aren't familiar with the screenwriting process most movies are broken into 3 acts. Act 1 (pages 1 - 30), Act 2 (pages 31 - 90) and Act 3 (pages 91 - 120). Now of course this is a guideline to keep you on track much like the guard rails on the side of a mountain road are designed to keep you on the road. The end of each act is signified by a Turning Point, or major event in the story. I am getting close to that first turning point, the end of Act 1 but there is still much to be done before the turning point takes place. I guess it's better to have more to deal with than less to work with. The story should flow pretty smoothly as it is being written drawing from personal experience and that's all I'm going to say about that for right now. I look forward to finishing it and getting it out there.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Coloring In The Lines

Last night was a good night for me. I have been talking about needing to write, though I have been losing the battle against procrastination for the last several weeks. I have so many ideas about what I want to write. I wish I could do them all at the same time. So last night I made an executive decision and followed through with it. I wrote down the entire outline for my next script and am looking forward to fleshing it out. It will be a romantic flick, neither comic nor tragic though maybe both at the same time. I look forward to updating you as it progresses.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Radiant Images

A friend of mine owns a photography business that she built from scratch and within 3 years or so she has been blessed to have her wedding calendar continue to fill. When she asked me to to do this I asked her to pick out a few of her favorite pictures from over the years and the next day I get a DVD with like 800 pictures, (okay more like 180) on it. Regina is looking forward to increasing her business with family portraits, senior pictures, baby pictures and the like so if you are in need of an amazingly gifted photographer give Regina a call. Or if you know someone who is just print out the above image of Regina's postcard designed by yours truly and hand it out.
