Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Simpler Times

Steve Reed (Police Officer), Pat Gann (Father), Matt Gehman (Student?)

Cliff Eberly (Australian), Steve Reed (Still a Police Officer), Amanda Martin (Nurse), Eric Sauder (Recently Married), Kendra Sauder (Big Mint Fan), doing Ginger Ale Shots in Party-Ridge.

A couple of pictures from a simpler time that I miss.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

What's In A Name

A few people have asked me where the name "Newstar Films" came from. I could sit here and tell you a long drawn out story about how 7 guys, (of which I was one) drove from PA to Tennessee over night in the middle of the summer of 2002 to look at purchasing a camp and came up with the name "Newstar Ministries" (holy run on sentence) and thus I borrowed it from that. Or I could just tell you the shortened and abbreviated version which I just did.

Newstar actually comes from two different verses... New referring to... "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17). And Star referring to..."so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe" (Philippians 2:15). So there you have it, now all I need is a cool logo (don't worry I'm working on it).

Friday, January 18, 2008

Curious Sun - The Rainchildren

Sometimes other people can express where you are at better than you can, especially through music.

Thanks Marty for adding to my life's soundtrack

I woke up feeling empty this morning
I didn't mean to drive so far last night
curious sun climbs through my window
and tries to open up my eyes
as I lie awake sleeping

I woke up feeling naked today
like all my leaves had fallen down
beneath my calloused feet
can dead brown grow into green
can reality come from a dream
I see my candle flicker

So tell me you love me and tell me that you care
cause sometimes my insecurities tie me down
this smell is so familiar
I've seen it I've said it I've done it all before
who I am I hear again

Tell her I love her and she tells me that she cares
and somehow these words will never rhyme
so tell me that you love me and tell me that you care
cause sometimes my insecurities tie me down

so please love me, love me and hold me and take me
oh and never let me go
so please love me, love me, oh please show me you love me
and never let me go
love me, love me, love me, love me
oh my Jesus
I really love you, love you, I really love you, love you
oh my Jesus, oh my Jesus
love me, love you, love me, love you, love me,
love me, love me, love me, love me

The Rainchildren were a band from Lancaster County who were blessed with a great local following including me.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Years in the Making

So it has finally been accomplished. 8+ years after walking away from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in Film Studies (which means we're setting you up for grad school so that you can spend more money and not make any movies) I have completed my first feature length script. Several more have been started but hit the 60 page graveyard hoping to be exhumed at a later time and shocked back to life with the writers version of an AED...CLEAR!
I am currently torn between fighting through another screenplay so as to enter it into a competition and working on a pilot for a TV series that I believe has a ton of potential. We shall see, we shall see. Here I am in Lancaster, fighting everyday for something more.
